ERROR-Agent is blocked. Blocked reason is: Agent is out-of-sync with repository
今天OEM GRID 中有个主机重启了,导致了AGENT 无法访问,查看详细日志中有如下报错
ERROR-Agent is blocked. Blocked reason is: Agent is out-of-sync with repository. This most likely means that the agent was reinstalled or recovered. Please contact an EM administrator to unblock oracle账号the agent by performing an agent resync from the console. Please contact EM adminstrator to unblock the agent
用emctl upload agent 上载数据也出错
1. Agent is re-installed or restored from a backup, on the same port number as before.
2. The <AGENT_HOME>/sysman/emd/agntstmp.txt is manually deleted for some reason.
Login to Grid Console as sysman user
+ Navigate to Setup -> Agents -> Click on problematic Agent name
+ In Agent home page click on "Resynchronize" Button on right hand top of the page.
Choose the 'Unblock Agent' option and click Continue
Ensure that the Agent is up and running when attempting the Resynchronization.
Once the re-synchronization is completed successfully, the Agent should be able to communicate with the OMS.