ORACLE RAC环境,版本x86_64 Oracle,crsd.log频繁的出现警告,内容如下:
2011-09-27 00:39:14.723: [ CRSEVT][2707291024]0CAAMonitorHandler :: 0:Action Script for resource 'ora.RAC.RAC1.inst' stdout redirection failed for `/u01/oracle/product/crs/crs/log/start6ZFqyZ.stdout` : No such file or directory
2011-09-27 00:56:38.820: [ CRSEVT][2707291024]0CAAMonitorHandler :: 0:Action Script for resource 'ora.RAC.OLTP.cs' stdout redirection failed for `/u01/oracle/product/crs/crs/log/startFi2URC.stdout` : No such file or directory
2011-09-27 00:56:50.487: [ CRSEVT][2707291024]0CAAMonitorHandler :: 0:Action Script for resource 'ora.RAC.RAC1.inst' stdout redirection failed for `/u01/oracle/product/crs/crs/log/start6ZFqyZ.stdout` : No such file or directory
[root@rac1 ~]# /u01/oracle/product/crs/bin/crsctl debug log crs OCRSRV:0
Set CRSD Debug Module: OCRSRV Level: 0
2011-09-26 03:28:06.437: [ OCRSRV][3044973456]th_select_handler: Failed to retrieve procctx from ht. constr = [-1325190824] retval lht [-27]
Signal CV.
oracle账号ID 338693.1
This is an informational message for development.
This message can be ignored as described in unpublished bug 4494370.
Schedule a maintenance window and turn off this messaging as user root on one of the clusternodes:
# crsctl debug log crs OCRSRV:0
Stop and start CRS after changing the tracing level to pick up the change.
2011-09-27 01:12:46.608: [ CRSEVT][2707291024]0CAAMonitorHandler :: 0:Action Script for resource 'ora.RAC.OLTP.cs' stdout redirection failed for`/u01/oracle/product/crs/crs/log/startFi2URC.stdout` : No such file or directory
ID 4598992.8 BUG 4598992